In the morning of March 14th, Hai'an City held a 2019 annual summary and commendation conference to commend advanced units and individuals emerging from all fronts in the city. Due to the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the implementation of the meeting was held with one person and one table. The conference has a main venue and a branch venue, which will be broadcast live by Hai'an Rong Media Center. All persons in charge of the four teams of the city, the main persons in charge of the districts, towns and departments, and the representatives of the recipients attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by the mayor of Lizhong, and the commendation decision was read out. The winners came to the stage to receive the award, and Secretary Gu Guobiao made an important speech. Pengfei Group won the Outstanding Contribution Award from the Hai'an Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, an Open Economy Advanced Enterprise, the Hai'an Quality Award, and Chairman Wang Jia'an was elected as a six-star entrepreneur.

In 2019, the single-champion advantage of the Pengfei Group rotary kiln continued to expand, and the total scale reached a new high, and the operating efficiency was steadily improved. Successfully listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and created the best operating performance in history. Product quality, production safety, and employee income have continued to improve. The company has been awarded the National Intellectual Property Demonstration Enterprise, and Jiangsu's advanced manufacturing and modern service industry are deeply integrated into the backbone enterprises.

Pengfei Group's “Belt and Road” market has been expanding. In 2019, Pengfei Group participated in the construction of more than 10 overseas projects, including 3 general contracting projects. One Belt One Road report has been reported frequently, and many turnkey projects such as Uzbekistan and Tajikistan have successively signed contracts. The 1.6 million t / a grinding mill in Bangladesh was completed and put into operation, and the 1.2 million t / a cement production line in Alassim, Kazakhstan was successfully ignited. Newly signed a 3,300 t / d cement production line in Tajikistan and an ecological cement general contracting contract in Uzbekistan.
Since the Spring Festival, Pengfei Group has seriously implemented the general secretary's work arrangement on epidemic prevention and control, strengthened the safety protection of enterprise employees, insisted on wearing masks at work, measuring body temperature, and reducing crowd gathering. The work was officially resumed on February 10 and ended on February 24. All resumed work is in place and the return rate is 100%. At present, the company's various production orders have basically recovered, the company's foreign exchange account is relatively good, and it provides a guarantee for the smooth progress of the Belt and Road project. It is expected that the annual export performance will continue to expand, and the contract orders in hand remain at the same level as last year. The company's future operating results and overseas business have grown.

In 2020, the company will focus on the goal of increasing sales by 15% and increasing tax and profit by more than 10%. According to the new requirements of high-quality redevelopment and the regulations of listed companies, the company will focus on the construction of fund-raising projects, the construction of production line general contract projects, and overseas projects. Invest in three key tasks, implement the four strategies of science and technology, internationalization, capitalization, and refinement, promote the high-quality development of Pengfei Group to a new level, and ensure the steady growth of employee income. Under the strong leadership of the municipal government, we welcome Difficulty, chase dreams. Create a new chapter for Hai'an's economic development and make new contributions!
The development of Pengfei is inseparable from the long-term care and help of the leaders. Once again, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you and continue to receive your full support!


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